Setting up your Hubspot social monitoring stream to answer questions on Twitter

February 14, 2018 | by Alex Mampieri


Click here to go straight to the video 

So you are pushing out content to your social media followers via Hubspot and have built up some decent content sources to re-tweet, Facebook send out on Linkedin etc. Now how do you drive your audience to engage with you and generate more leads? Remember that according to the inbound methodology your first priority should always be to drive value. Social monitoring plays a key part into understanding

your social audience and providing them with value. To help you get the most out of the Hubspot tools we will dive into Hubspot's social monitoring settings and give you some great Twitter workflow tips to use them effectively.

Use Hubspot social media monitoring to answer questions

We created a video walk through with 10 easy steps to set up a twitter stream that monitors for questions on a given set of keywords in Twitter using the Hubspot social media tools.

To follow along you will need:
  • Access to a paid Hubspot portal (to have access to the marketing/social tools)
  • A connected Twitter account. If you haven't connected a twitter account yet. Scan to our social media workflow post for some clues on how to set it up.



We'd recommend that once you have set up a stream you go over the settings available in the advanced options dialog under stream creation as there are some other valuable filtering and notifications options there.

To help you identify your audience on social media we have created a handy social media buyer persona checklist for free for you to download. 

Download our social media buyer persona checklist

Why you should implement a business strategy to answer questions on Twitter

Great! Now we have set up our social monitoring stream and we get new Tweets with questions automatically. But what can this stream be used for?

It's usefull for almost all your business departments and at all stages of the buyers journey.


Can use this on twitter to monitor for questions related to products you sell. Say you sell GDPR training. The example in the video would bring up tweets from Twitter users that are looking for information on GDPR. By anserwing their questions you can help them and show that you are knowledgeable and helpful. This can be a powerfull way to attract them to your business products.


Keeping an eye on what questions your leads are asking on Twitter, will give you very valuable insights in what your prospects are interested in and looking for. This should give your sales reps topics for conversation and can help with lead scoring etc. even before first contact! To allow you to filter more specifically, Hubspot social media stream settings provide options to filter by contacts only or you could set up a list for your SQL's to ensure that you only get questions asked by your most valuable prospects (just include a question mark "?" and no further keywords in the required keywords section to see all questions).


Needless to say if your customers are asking questions about your products on Twitter, being first to answer them is key. Customers might not always @mention you if they think that you might not be able to help or maybe they already tried to get the answer from you through other channels and failed. By proactively engaging with them you will surely impress them and provide them a higher quality experience. Again, use the extra filtering options to monitor for Hubspot contacts only, or create a list of high level contacts that you would like to monitor. (see sales tips)

Customer success

Ensuring that your customers are happy is vital for your business. You can get much more revenue from long term happy customers. So it makes financial sense to look after them. You can easily do this in Hubspot by creating a list of customers and monitoring it for questions, concerns or insights into the industry. Are there any that you could help with? Are they asking about competitors or alternative products that you should know about? These insights can all be gathered by setting up the right parameters and keywords in your social monitoring strategy.


Providing good value throughout the customer lifecycle also holds true here. If you provide a better experience for your customers your business also becomes a better place to work. On top of that, monitoring for questions asked on Twitter on topics that you are hiring for might identify new talent and show their level of critical thinking. This could be a powerful way to identify potential candidates and attract them to your business by engaging with them about their questions.


As you can see. Setting up your Hubspot social monitoring stream to answer questions on Twitter might be simple, but if you take the time to include it in your business strategy the possibilities and advantages it can provide are almost endless!

 Have you figured out any other cool stream/filtering tricks in Hubspot? Drop us a comment! 

Hubspot tools | Social Media

Written by Alex Mampieri

Alex Mampieri

With a background in IT services, a passion for media and a natural dislike for most outbound marketing techniques, I developed a fascination with honest data driven marketing practices. I love learning and believe human communication is core to success. As a consultant at About Inbound my main activities are researching and writing about marketing technology and assisting our customers with technical marketing tasks in Hubspot such as database maintenance, Automation workflows, template migration etc.

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